The DMH + UCLA Public Partnership for Wellbeing is working to implement a customized version of the UCLA STAND (Screening and Treatment for Anxiety and Depression) system of care in a community college setting, potentially reaching a diverse student population with limited access to mental health prevention and treatment services. The STAND system of care was developed as part of the UCLA Depression Grand Challenge to be a scalable approach to preventing, identifying and treating anxiety and depression; the system is designed to be culturally responsive to the needs of East Los Angeles College students.
- Engagement and training of ELAC students as coaches
- Training of Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health (DMH) providers in DGC clinical care protocols
- Delivery of STAND services to ELAC students including connecting students to available campus and community resources as needed (housing, food security)
- Collaboration with Didi Hirsch to establish a proactive suicide/crisis response approach consistent with STAND protocols
How STAND Works
The way the STAND program works is that students are triaged for treatment using a 5-minute online survey referred to as the Mental Health Tracker. The tool automatically scores the responses and provides immediate feedback regarding symptom level (mild, moderate, severe depression or anxiety). The symptom level and responses guide the student to the most appropriate level of service, with an automatic notification system that connects students whose scores indicate suicide risk with DMH contractor, Didi Hirsch. When students have no symptoms they are guided to online prevention resources, and those with mild or moderate symptoms are guided to online interventions that provide modular evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy matched to the needs (symptoms) of each person. Students can access the system through a personal device (phone, tablet or computer). A student using this online therapy tool is paired with a certified student coach who provides support through remote video chat. Those students with severe symptoms are guided to licensed providers who follow specific protocols regarding the type and frequency of care. Once participants are in the STAND system of care, their symptoms are monitored on a routine basis so that their treatment may be adapted to increase or decrease as might be appropriate.
The 18-month implementation project is occurring at East Los Angeles College (ELAC) with up to 560 students receiving services for up to one year. The intent is to demonstrate the feasibility of implementing STAND in community colleges, as these students often have little or no access to mental health services and yet have significant need. The STAND approach (both the system of care and the technology) aims to enhance mental health equity for ELAC students by providing access and engagement. In addition to providing evidence-based treatment, with clinical care delivered by DMH providers, STAND at ELAC will include the services of a social worker to address food and housing insecurity when needed. An added bonus for this project is that STAND will engage and train 25 ELAC students as certified coaches, which training and service will be compensated, contributing the participants’ and the coaches’ resiliency and life goals.